How to Use HTV Vinyl for Your Next Craft Project


Heat transfer vinyl (HTV) is something that every craftsperson should use because of its simple and versatile use. HTV is a hands down favorite when making T-shirts designs. Tradition adhesive tends to wear out quickly, so HTV is the better option. The vinyl can come in sheets or rolls in an array of smashing colors. They work best and stick best to cotton material, but that doesn’t count out other types of material such as polyester, nylon, and even genuine leather depending on the type of HTV you purchase.

The best part is that HTV has become advanced enough to be able to also use it for items and not just material. Basically, almost anything that doesn’t melt can use HTV.

For a more advanced crafter, here are some ways on how you can use it for your up and coming project.

Glass, ceramics, and mugs

Mugs have some very cool designs on them written words. Mugs or other glass items can be just run of the mill store bought items, but why do that when they can be very personalized when you use HTV? Can you iron on glass? You sure can! The idea is to iron the vinyl just long enough to make it stick, but not too long that it melts. It differs than when using HTV on material where you would need to iron a longer time with a firmer press.

Leather items

A good place to start would be crafting personalized leather wallets. They would be a perfect gift at any time of the year. You can also monogram items such as leather clad notebooks, leather cushions, or even a leather jacket. Some sports items like baseballs, soccer balls and footballs can also have HTV applied to them if they are leather. You can monogram your name, someone else’s name or initials to such items, or their lucky number. The ideas of what to monogram are endless. But the point is to personalize as much as you can.

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Wooden items

Wood is another non-conventional choice of what you can use HTV on. This could be anything from wooden frames and tables, to wooden clothes hangers and signs. As with other surfaces, never directly iron on the HTV and use a clean cloth or dry towel over the vinyl.

There are different types of HTV that might work or look nicer with whatever project you’re considering. Right now you can click here to see a great list of some of the best HTV vinyls available. If you don’t know much about HTV, you can get rolls or sheets. Some come with glitter, a metallic shine, or glow in the dark, to mention a few choices of others you can have.

Simple and Easy

You don’t have to know how to draw as there is a lot of software to help you with that and the design you want to use. Whether it’s a gift or for your own use or office use, it’s easy to learn how to use HTV. Whatever the design is, just iron it on, and you’re good to go.

Category: DIY
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