11 Tasty Keto Smoothie Recipes You Can Make in 2 Minutes

Are you craving an easy snack that’s within your ketosis diet? You should try a keto smoothie! Keto smoothies are easy to make, and they’re good for your health.

Keto smoothie ingredients should include healthy fat and fiber.

The following are recipes for keto smoothies you can make in 2 minutes;

1. Cinnamon Chocolate Breakfast Smoothie

The cinnamon chocolate smoothie is warm and frosty. The cinnamon neutralizes the bitter tang of stevia. You can add healthy fats by including Avocado or Brain Octane Oil. Coconut milk is also the right choice for healthy fats.

2. Keto Green Smoothie

The keto green smoothie is a mixture of avocado with cucumber and spinach. You can include bright lemon for the tart and herby flavors.

3. Low Carb Acai Almond Butter Keto Smoothie

It consists 20gms of fat, and 8gms of carbs. Avocado, almond butter, and the sugar-free acai are for flavoring the smoothie.

4. Green Low Carb Breakfast Smoothie

If you prefer drinking your veggies, then this is the keto smoothie for you. The spinach, celery, and cucumber add the needed fiber.

Use half the protein powder serving if you need more fat than proteins. Include avocado to reach your keto objectives.

5. Blueberry Coconut Chia Smoothie

This is the perfect smoothie to satisfy the craving for fruits. The coconut cream and full-fat Greek yogurt are also the right measures of fats.

You can sprinkle whey powder or collagen peptides to reach your daily protein goals.

6. Chocolate Mint Avocado Smoothie

The keto smoothie is naturally creamy because of avocado and coconut milk. The cacao butter and collagen protein make for the intense chocolate flavor. The smoothie is only one carb.

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7. Keto Chocolate Smoothie

The keto chocolate smoothie comes close to satisfying your cravings for a milkshake. It’s a thick and creamy mixture of dark chocolate, coconut milk, ground chia, protein powder, and ice.

You can even spruce up the smoothie with sugar-free whipped cream. If you’re slowly leaving sweeteners, a pinch of stevia is allowed.

8. Minty Cool Smoothie

The cold minty smoothie is light and fresh, perfect for the summer weather. The cooling veggie blend has an earthy flavor. The coconut milk makes it creamy and more refreshing.

9. Strawberry-Coconut Smoothie

This smoothie must be the easiest to make. All you need is a few frozen strawberries and full-fat coconut milk. If you can’t find the latter, watered-down coconut cream will work fine.You can add chia seeds to the ingredients before blending to add texture.

10. Paleo Vanilla Marshmallow Smoothie

This keto smoothie recipe features a blend of full-fat coconut milk, collagen peptides, and marshmallow flavors. You can add grass-fed gelatin for the taste and fluffy feel when eating.

11. Vanilla Keto Smoothie

You can customize this keto smoothie and have it for any meal.For more keto meals and smoothie recipes, you can learn more here.

Start Drinking Healthy Smoothies

A keto smoothie is a versatile drink that isn’t a hassle to make. You should review our recipes and try the ones you prefer. And if you want to try other types of keto shakes, click here to check out a meal replacement powder you can use with them.

For more tips and information, please explore the other sections of our blog.

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