17 DIY T-Shirt Rug Tutorials

The rug is a most required thing for the home and you need it at most of the places in your home. You can purchase any type of rug from the store according to your choice. Most people always try to save the money as much as they can. But they also don’t want to compromise with the required stuff for the home. So if you want to save some money you can make a DIY T-Shirt Rug at home and they will not cost you anything because you can make then from old T-shirt.

DIY T-Shirt Rug Tutorials

DIY T-Shirt Rug always look very beautiful and you can make them in any size according to your choice. You can make it in one color or if you have different colors old T-shirt then you can make it in a colorful design. You can give them any shape, as it’s up to your requirement of the rug. Making the DIY T-Shirt Rug is very easy and it can be done in very less time. You can find the different type of designs and tutorials over the internet, but what we have done? we have made a very beautiful list of DIY T-Shirt Rug with the different pattern. If you like any of the rug design and wanted to make it by yourself then you can follow the link given in the description below each picture for a complete tutorial. Check these tutorials and enjoy!

1. Eco Friendly DIY Shaggy T-Shirt Rug

Eco Friendly DIY Shaggy T-Shirt Rug
Gentri Lee

If you are a craft lover and love to make your own craft then you definitely aware about the T-shirts rug. As everyone has old T-shirt and what do with them? we trough them in the dustbin. But you can use your old T-shirt to make a beautiful Eco Friendly DIY Shaggy T-Shirt Rug. Just follow the www.gentrileeblog.com for a step by step direction for this DIY project.

2. DIY Crochet T-Shirt Rag

DIY Crochet T-Shirt Rag
My Poppet

You can make different type of craft from T-shirt yarn, but have you ever try to make a Crochet T-Shirt Rag form your old T-shirt. If not, it’s a time to give a try to make your own DIY Crochet T-Shirt Rag. Just follow the mypoppet.com.au for a complete direction of this DIY project.

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3. DIY Crochet Carpet From T-Shirts

DIY Crochet Carpet From T-Shirts

Do you have a pile of t-shirts to be thrown away otherwise be recycled? Wait a minute you can use them. The DIY Crochet Carpet From T-Shirts project shown in the above picture will help you to transform your old T-shirt in to a beautiful T-Shirts rug. Follow the www.flair-blog.dk to learn the complete direction of this beautiful DIY project.

4. DIY Finger Crochet T-Shirt Rag Rug

DIY Finger Crochet T-Shirt Rag Rug
Adventures in Making

There is a better way to use your old T-shirt instead of throwing them. You can make a beautiful craft since then and it’s called T-Shirt Rug. So if you want to learn how you can transform them into a beautiful Finger Crochet T-Shirt Rag Rug then just follow the http://adventures-in-making.com for a step by step direction.

5. DIY No Sew T-Shirt Rag Rug

DIY No Sew T-Shirt Rag Rug
Adventures in Making

Might be you have a beautiful wood-ish surface. But you still need something to stand on when the cold sneaks in. You can solve this problem very easily. You just need your old T-shirt to make this beautiful DIY No Sew T-Shirt Rag Rug shown in the above picture. Follow the http://adventures-in-making.com to learn a complete direction of this project.

6. DIY Oval Carpet T-Shirt Rag

DIY Oval Carpet T-Shirt Rag

DIY Oval Carpet T-Shirt Rag showed in the above picture will take a few hours to make it and you can use in your bathroom, the entrance, access to the garden or patio, the bedroom or anywhere you want to put it. This DIY Oval Carpet T-Shirt Rag will help you to protect your colored accent or floor. Follow the gineceoblog.wordpress.com for a complete direction.

7. DIY Rag Rug From Old T-Shirts

DIY Rag Rug From Old T-Shirts
A Piece of Rainbow

If you are thinking to spend some beautiful time on this weekend by making a DIY craft, then you can make a beautiful DIY Rag Rug From Old T-Shirts. This project is very easy to make and you will be surprised by how quickly the whole piece came together. If you want to learn how you can make this project follow the www.apieceofrainbow.com for a complete direction.

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8. DIY Crochet Rug With T-Shirt Yarn

DIY Crochet Rug With T-Shirt Yarn
Mollie Makes

Wanted to learn how you can make a DIY Rug With Old T-Shirt Yarn. You make your own DIY Crochet Rug With T-Shirt Yarn by following very simple step. You can use it anywhere in your home. Follow the www.molliemakes.com for a complete direction.

9. No Sew T-Shirt Yarn and Rug

No Sew T-Shirt Yarn and Rug
Faster Kitty Kill

You might be thinking that making a braided rug is complicated and time-consuming. But it’s not a truth, You can do it very easily and in very less time. You just need your old T-shirt for this project. Once you ready with the required material then just follow the fasterkittykill.blogspot.com for the complete tutorial.

10. DIY Crochet T-Shirt Yarn Rug

DIY Crochet T-Shirt Yarn Rug
Thrifty Below

Are you looking to a make a rug which you can use in your bathroom? You have so many options to make it, but making it from your old T-shirt yarn can be a perfect choice. If you love the DIY Crochet T-Shirt Yarn Rug shown in the above picture and wanted to learn how you can make it then just follow the www.thriftybelow.com for a complete tutorial.

11. DIY T-Shirt Rag Rug

DIY T-Shirt Rag Rug
Hannah in The House

As you can check in this post that we have shown the above so many different types of rag rug designs. If you don’t want to spend money on your rag rug DIY project then this one can be a perfect choice for you. Just follow the www.hannahinthehouse.com to learn a complete direction of making this project.

12. DIY Rug From old T-Shirts

DIY Rug From old T-Shirts
Alicia Sivert

If you love this DIY DIY Rug From old T-Shirts and want to make it by yourself then you need approximately 7 T-shirts and the Crochet hook. Once you have these things you can follow the aliciasivert.blogspot.com for a step by step direction.

13. DIY Hula Hoop T-Shirt Rag Rug

DIY Hula Hoop T-Shirt Rag Rug
All Parenting

You can transform your old T-shirt into a something very beautiful and useful. You can make a DIY Hula Hoop T-Shirt Rag Rug from your old T-shirt. Just follow the www.allparenting.com for a complete direction to make a fabulous rag rug.

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14. Crochet T-Shirt Rug Pattern

Crochet T-Shirt Rug Pattern
Grow Creative

Are looking to make a beautiful, colorful comfy T-shirt rug from your old T-shirt? You can do it because it’s very easy to make and you can make this DIY project within a one hour. You can get a complete direction of this project at www.growcreativeblog.com

15. DIY Braided T-Shirt Rug

DIY Braided T-Shirt Rug
My PopPet

Might be you always searching for a kind of projects which are creative and can be done very easily. So DIY Braided T-Shirt Rug can be a perfect choice because you don’t need to spend any money on it and you just need your old T-shirt for this project. Follow the mypoppet.com.au for a complete tutorial. You can use this beautiful DIY Braided T-Shirt Rug in your bedroom or any other place where you want.

16. DIY T-Shirt Yarn Rug

DIY T-Shirt Yarn Rug

T-shirt Yarn Rug can a very useful, As they are a very money saving and you can use them anywhere in your home. The most useful place for T-Shirt Yarn Rug in the home is bathroom, bedroom and you also use it in the entrance of your home. Follow the www.imaginemechanix.com for a full direction of this project.

17. DIY Crocheted T-Shirt Yarn Rug

DIY Crocheted T-Shirt Yarn Rug
Creative Jewish Mom

Have you ever tried to make something from your old T-shirt? If not, then it’s a time to transform your old T-shirt into a something very beautiful. You can make a very attractive DIY Crocheted T-Shirt Yarn Rug and use them anywhere in the home. Follow the www.creativejewishmom.com to learn a completely direction.

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