4 Types Of Air Compressors And Their Uses

Imagine that you are at a construction site. An air compressor is a piece of equipment that you are going to see over there for sure and it is the most common electric tool that they are going to use for many different purposes. It is not only used for a job but for other purposes as well. 

It has its advantages and disadvantages and that is why you need to be careful about the type of air compressor that you are about to purchase for your project. Air compressors are category is according to their dynamic displacement.

In this article, we will discuss different types of air compressors and their uses. So keep on reading to find out more information below about your compressor NZ.

 1. Dynamic Compressors 

A dynamic air compressor generates power by using the year that is rotating with the blades to create pressure. The mechanism that is used in this type of air compressor is known as the kinetic energy and this is the energy that is stored as static in this air compressor. Centrifugal compressor is also a popular type of air compressor that is used in it comes under the category of a dynamic compressor.

 2. Reciprocating Compressor 

A reciprocating compressor is another common type of compressor that is used for small industrial sites and construction projects. mostly it is also used in different types of home renovations but it is important to keep in mind that it is not for continuous usage otherwise you will not be able to get lots of benefits from this type of air compressor. 

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You can find a piston that is inside a cylinder and this is how this mechanism works. It has different moving parts and you can lubricate them by using oil that is how you will be able to get smooth operation from this air compressor and it will keep working for a long time. It is important to keep in mind that a single-stage compressor can also get the job done for a small project. If you have any small-scale home projects then you should get your hands on this one.

 3. Centrifugal Compressor 

Centrifugal compressor produces large amounts of energy and it is a small machine. The best part about this compressor is that it does not require a lot of maintenance and it will keep working for a long time. It will produce oil-free air and that is why you can use it for large-scale Steel projects. If you have a chemical manufacturing plant new can install this compressor over there to get the most advantage of this air compressor. It will provide you with 1000 horsepower.

 4. Axial Compressor 

The axial compressor is used for airplanes and high-speed engines. You will also be able to see them on some ships and that is why they are extremely expensive. However, they are very powerful and efficient as well. It is the most expensive type of air compressor that you can ever get your hands on.

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