5 Best Ideas for Cooking Using a Hotplate

A smart cooking system can be a great blessing at times! You have been buying or ordering food from outside but want to eat something warm or cook something homemade? Do not worry we have got your back. No, actually hotplates got your back but we will help you with the cooking ideas with hotplates.

Hot plate cooks food great and delicious at the same time. You can use them for Breakfast lunch or dinner any time you want. Here are some great hot plate uses in kitchen for breakfast and snacks ideas you can use to cook your special meals.

Fluffy French Toast

This recipe for French toast uses flour, so it’s fluffy and crispy on the outside that it will make crave for it after finishing it.
So here are the steps for your warm, fluffy toast:

  •  Firstly, pop the toasting rack in between the hotplate and cover it with its lid for like 20-30 seconds to pre-warm it. In this way, the bread does not stick to the rack.
  •  Now in between the rack handles place your slices of bread. Do not think of overfilling it even if you think it will make it more quickly!
  •  After that position the toasting rack again once more in between the hotplate and the lid, then you should turn the rack over several times while cooking to equally brown both sides.
  •  It doesn’t take too much time so keep an eye on the hotplate and remove the lid when you will see the bread is looking golden brown and toasty.
  •  Now with a wire brush sweep all the crumbs off from the hotplate.
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Job done, enjoy!


Pancakes are easy to make, and they taste pretty good.

The steps are:

  •  Firstly, crack two eggs into a bowl of an expected amount of flower.
  •  Add sugar to it. If you want flavors you add cocoa powder or strawberry powder or banana power. Also, add some baking powder as well.
  •  Mix and stir the whole thing and make it into a paste.
  •  Pour a little amount of oil on the hotplate. Pour the paste and cook it.

And voila your pancake is ready to be served. You can add chocolate or honey as toppings if you want to.

Hot Plate Tofu

Throw egg tofu, mushrooms, onion, and garlic and mix them with flavored seasonings to make for easy hot plate tofu. Add chili and minced meat if you do not feel like being a whole veggie.

  1.  First of all, cut Egg Tofu into 1-inch pieces. Deep fry those in oil and keep it on a plate. Remember to put a good amount of oil to get more browning. After putting the tofu on the oil, do not touch the tofu for a while and then gently swirl the tofus till they form a brownish color.
  2.  Turn up the heat add oil and fry ginger, garlic and spring onion till gives off a smell. Add some minced meat and fry it till it gets cooked. Add a little bit of oyster sauce, chili bean paste, soy sauce, and 1 cup water and add the veggies. Stir once or twice till the vegetables are cooked and water is reduced. Sprinkle some salt and sugar to adjust the taste.
  3.  Heat up the hot plate. Brush on some oil and add the egg. Put the tofu onto the hotplate and mix sauce. Sprinkle some pepper and chopped green onions and serve!
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On a cold, chilly day, you may find yourself missing the essence of the soup. But Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, just get your hotplate and start making soup.

  •  First, pour water inside your hotplate. Get the soup powder and pour it into the water.
  •  Stir for a long time and stir continuously.
  •  Now crack an egg and add that with the soup powder and water mix.
  •  Add salt, spices, and vegetables (Like boiled potatoes, carrots, capsicum, green peas, etc.) and keep stirring.
    And congratulations you have successfully made yourself a bowl of fresh hot soup.


Bored with regular meal foods? Pastas are easy and can be made many different ways. Hotplates can be handy in here too. For instance, if you want to make simple pasta just follow these steps:

  •  Make your pasta dough with wheat and water and get them cut into long pieces and boil them.
  •  On a saucepan boil some tomatoes for 7-8 minutes. Then after it is boiled cut some other tomatoes on your chopping board along with onions, capsicums, and chilies.
  •  Put oil in a saucepan and fry all of the vegetables a little bit. Add some salt and spices on that.
  •  Now pour a little bit of oil and wheat on the hotplate and after a while pour some milk and keep stirring the mix.
  •  Pour the boiled pasta and vegetable mix on it as well.
  •  Cook it for 7-8 minutes.

And there you go. Your homemade white sauce pasta made by yourself.

You can also make Bacon & Egg Breakfast Grilled Cheese, Cannoli French Toast, Green Eggs & Ham, Pumpkin Stuffed French Toast, Skinny Omelet, Sourdough Pancakes, Mexican Steak Salad, Grilled Steak Skewer, Meat and Potatoes Grilled Salad, etc.

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To be very honest hot plates are a gift of humankind. It has made our cooking life very easy. Homemade meals and snacks are really demanded. But this demand is getting fulfilled mostly because of hotplates.

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