5 Designer Bags Worth Your Money.

There is nothing more saddening than bringing home a designer handbag only to realize it wasn’t worth your hard-earned cash which is why I’ve heard some people decide to get high-quality Replica Bags instead. The reasons could range from either the bag wasn’t what you expected, or you stopped loving it after a while, or you just don’t seem to reach for it as often as you like.

Before you blame the bag or the brand, ask yourself some questions? Did you research the bag and the designer? Were the articles and the videos you watched from a knowledgeable source? Now, we agree that finding the right informational source can be exhausting.

However, by some luck if you are here, your search ends today, now. We have compiled our choice of the best designer bags that you will not regret investing your money.

In no particular order and after much deliberation, 5 designer handbags worth your money are:

  • Hermès Birkin.

If there is an elite class of bags, and there is, the Hermès Birkin is inarguably at the top. The impossibility of getting your hands on the bags alone fills it with aura, but that is the least of it all. The craftsmanship and the detailing put into the bag alone are top-notch. The leather on the bag is some of the most exotic as well.

There have been independent studies that show that a Hermès Birkin is a better investment than even gold and real estate. The price of this bag increases by almost 14% every year. So if you can get your hands on one of these, do not pass it.

  • Chanel Flap.

The Chanel Flap has been through modifications over the years, but it has not lost its classic aesthetics or its value. You could be wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but if you have on a Chanel Flap as your handbag, it instantly puts you on another level.

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The bag comes in many colors. But if you are looking for something that you will love for many years to come, choose one in a neutral color such as black or nude.

  • Gucci Dionysus.

Designed after the Greek god Dionysus, this bag from Gucci is also an excellent bag to own. It is an extremely popular bag from the brand and rightfully so. The design and aesthetics of the Dionysus is a perfect blend of the old and new worlds.

Apart from its fantastic design, it is definitely a timeless piece. It comes in different colors as well as variations. But irrespective of what you decide to buy, the Dionysus will not disappoint you. There are also other alternatives like Gucci Replica which can be found here at Mau-fashion.

  • YSL Sac De Jour.

This is a relatively new introduction to the handbag scene. But it quickly became a hit, and its popularity continues to grow. The design is everything you would want from a premium handbag. It bears a similar silhouette to the Hermès Birkin.

Made of sumptuous leather and classic look, it is a bag you will love for years. Although primarily designed as a day bag, you can effortlessly transition the bag into evening wear.

  • Celine Box Bag.

If you know anything about luxury handbags, you will know that this bag is steadily gaining value. With a minimalist and clean design, it is a bag you can use during the day as well as evening wear.

The new ones on the market are a new version of the original that was introduced in the 90s. However, they have the same aesthetics and design, and you can’t go wrong with either of these. In fact, the price of a pre-loved Celine Box Bag is almost the same as a brand new one which is a testament to its worth.

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