5 Factors on How to Find an Ideal Ceiling Fan for Your Space

Purchasing a new ceiling fan may not be a simple and easy process, but there are ways to simplify the process. When selecting the right for your fan, there are several factors to consider. While it is imperative that you access the aesthetics of the right fan for your home such as its color and style, there are several other significant factors to consider before making a decision. Whether you are purchasing the fan for your living space, your bedroom, or in a porch area, considering these factors can be extremely helpful in the overall process.

Blade Pitch

In addition to considering how your ceiling fan will blend into your home’s decor, you should also consider the pitch of the blade. The blade’s pitch is a term that refers to the angle of the blades as they move throughout the air. This factor is important to consider as it will greatly impact the airflow in your home. Fan blades with a flatter pitch will move around a smaller amount of air and make more noise in the process.

Blade Shape and Size

In addition to the pitch of the blade, you may also want to consider the size of the shape and size of the blade. When purchasing a ceiling fan ensure the blades are not excessively long or wide, as this can impede on its efficiency. According to Jeff Eller from ModernFanOutlet, a large ceiling fan does not necessarily mean a greater amount of airflow. Looking at the airflow in CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) will give an accurate idea of a fan’s performance. Therefore, select a ceiling fan that is proportionate to your home’s requirements instead of purchasing the largest fan you can find.

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Your ceiling fan’s motor is one of the most important factors to consider as it works hand-in-hand with the blade pitch to create airflow in your home. With the most powerful motor you can rest assured that your space is cool and breezy. Although stronger motors may require more of a financial commitment, your ceiling fan will deliver a quality return on your investment.


Another factor to consider is the fan’s RPM. This term refers to how fast the blades spin while on each setting. This ultimately affects the airflow as well, as the faster the blades, the more the airflow will increase. If you are looking for a high quality ceiling fan to achieve the best airflow, you may want to consider a fan with six or more speed settings.

Height from Ceiling

Additionally, your ceiling fan blades should be placed about 10 to 12 inches away from the ceiling to create an effective airflow. This allows the blades to function properly, as the wrong height can impact the airflow. For example, if your ceiling fan hangs a little too low, the blades may not push a significant amount of air around.

If you are considering purchasing a ceiling fan to keep your home cool, you may want to take these factors into consideration before making your purchase. As ceiling fans are quite an investment, it is recommended that you have all bases covered before deciding on the perfect fan for your home. Whether your new fan is for your living area or bedroom, the right fan can make a huge difference in a room.

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