5 Tips to Painting Walls Like A Pro

Anyone can put paint on a wall but it takes a little time, effort, and the right knowledge to do it and leave the wall looking fantastic. Fortunately, this is a skill that can be learned and the 5 tips below will help you to do just that!

Of course, it is worth considering a reputable painting services Sydney. While they may appear to be the more expensive route you’ll need to consider the time it will take you and what you could be doing with that time. A professional will get the job done much quicker and the finish is guaranteed to be good.

1. Planning

The first step is to plan the approach. You need to visualize the finished project. If you prefer you can even digitalize it to really get a feel and look for how it will be.

Every wall is different and, if you’re considering painting a room, not all four walls have to be the same color. It can make a huge difference to define one as a feature wall in a bold color.
It also pays to check the ceiling, you may want to paint that before you do the walls.

2. Preparation


The real secret to professional-looking walls is in the preparation. Before you pick up a paintbrush you need to evaluate the finish of the walls. All blemishes need to be removed. That means carefully inspecting the walls and running your hands along them to feel the blemishes. You can fill where necessary and sand repeatedly to get the perfect finish.

Blemishes that are hardly noticeable in the prep stage will stand out when you’ve completed the painting. Take your time getting them all resolved first.

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Part of your preparation must also include masking tape. Use this on all the edges of the walls, you won’t have to worry about accurate cutting in and will get a perfect finish.

3. The Paint

You should have chosen your color. You now need to purchase it or have it especially mixed for you. When you have the pot at home you’ll also have to mix it again. Simply open the lid and stir it gently with a wooden paint stick that reaches to the bottom of the tin. This will ensure the color is even right the way through.

4. Paint!


You’re going to need to paint several coats on your walls. Professionals choose between rollers and brushes, you can do the same. A roller tends to be faster but may create more splatter. A brush is slower but allows for a thicker coat, potentially reducing the number of coats needed.

Put the first coat on slowly and always move the brush in an up and down motion, going with the wall. You should avoid having too much paint on the brush as this will create runs on your walls.

5. Admire

In fact, admiring is only part of the fifth step. This is the point where you have to assess your first coat. You can sand back any blemishes and you’ll need to decide how many more coats your walls will need.

Make sure you check after each coat until you have the perfect finish.

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