5 Ways New Teeth Can Improve Your Quality of Life

There are more than 36 million Americans without teeth. The number of people who are missing just one tooth is even greater. It’s no secret that Americans need new teeth. Dental implants give these people the solution they need.
It’s one of the most common options for tooth replacement and having implants improves not just the quality of teeth, but it improves the quality of life as well. If you or someone you know has lost one or more teeth and is considering dental implants, then consider speaking to a professional, like this Dentist in Massapequa. If you sill aren’t sure, here are 5 ways a new set of teeth improves your life.

1. You Get Your Old Bite Back

Our teeth are a force to be reckoned with. The enamel on our teeth is the strongest substance in our body and our teeth can exert 200 pounds of pressure when biting down! They’re strong and for a good reason.

When we consume food, we don’t realize how strong our teeth are until we no longer have them. If you’re missing all, several teeth, or even just one tooth, then you probably know how important they are for biting down and chewing. With dental implants, your chewing abilities will be completely restored.

Removable dentures can’t bite down into those favorite foods that you miss so dearly. With dental implants, you’ll be eating apples and any other type of food that you’ve been missing out on in no time! If this is something you are considering, why not speak to qualified dentists at clinics such as Gary Cash DDS to get advice on the steps to take that’ll eventually lead you to get the smile you have always wanted!

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2. Your Pain is Reduced

Aside from having the ability to eat all your favorite foods again, dental implants will also ease your oral pain. If you’re missing teeth or even have damaged teeth, then there’s a good chance that you also suffer from some type of oral pain. This may be sore or aching gums, sensitivity when eating, and pain while chewing.

3. You Feel Like a Whole New Person

Opting for dental implants is an easy way to gain back your confidence and become a whole new person. It’s not uncommon for someone who is missing teeth to feel self-conscious and embarrassed. Not having the perfect smile affects a person’s mental health and stops them from smiling.

Getting brand new white teeth with dental implants will make you feel and look much younger. The implants are made to look as real as possible and no one will ever know they’re not your real teeth! You’ll be bursting with confidence. This is a particularly big draw for older citizens, many of whom pay for dental insurance and benefit from being covered for procedures such as dentures. Dental insurances usually have annual limits between $1,000 and $5,000 and cost you around $100. This should give you an idea if it’s worth signing up with a provider or if it’s cheaper to pay them out-of-pocket. Seniors should consider that dental costs usually increase with age.

4. You Maintain Better Oral Health

When’s the last time you saw a dental hygienist? Are you suffering from bad oral hygiene?

With dental implants, you’ll be able to maintain better oral hygiene and jawbone structure. Without permanent teeth in place, your jawbone may begin to collapse. Dental implants stop this from happening and should be cleaned like you would your actual teeth.

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All on Four dental implants replace your teeth using a single arch and should be brushed and cleaned like you would your natural teeth. Whether you replace the top arch or bottom arch, you’ll want to brush your implants and clean your mouth normally!

5. You Get Your Voice Back

Without teeth in our mouths, our speech may seem off. Removable dentures can sometimes slip out of place and cause you to slur your words. With dental implants, this worry is completely erased.

You’ll get your voice back without worrying about how you sound.

What Can New Teeth Do for You?

Do any of these points noted above sound like something you suffer from? If so, then it’s time for you to consider dental implants for your new teeth. After getting your new set of pearly whites, your confidence will reach an all-time high.

For more ways on how to boost your mood, check out these 6 tips.

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