8 Notorious Pests and Wild Animals that Can Damage Your Home

While some people revel at the sight of pests and woodland creatures cavorting in their yards, the presence of these creatures can cause problems. Gnawing pests can chew your structures, introduce diseases, and infest your home with ticks and fleas.

Which Animals Cause the Most Damage to Your Home
Which Animals Cause the Most Damage to Your Home Created By: Ohio Basement Systems


These creatures don’t hibernate. They will look for warm, dark places in your yard. It’s not usual for them to burrow into the ground or get inside hollow trees or chimneys. Raccoons can damage your insulation and spread roundworms as well as rabies.


You will likely bump into them on the underside of your porch benches. As well as damaging your stuff, these creatures emit a foul-smelling discharge that can make you temporary blind. Be cautious when approaching the as they can be dangerous if they perceive you as a threat.


Bat colonies are not just noisy, but messy. You will find these nocturnal creatures on shutters, loose boards, and the attic inside your home. Bats can spread plague and rabies. To deter them, apply essential oils like peppermint, cinnamon, clove to their nesting areas.


One of the bird’s that’s likely to drive you nuts is the woodpecker. It has sharp claws and beaks, and a long tongue. This bird is adept in scaling trees. When they invade your yard, they will tear into wooden structures or peck into your home’s siding in search of ants or larvae. This could open up your home to draught and moisture.

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Woodpeckers are federally protected. Since you can’t eliminate them, you can deter them by attaching a bird netting or burlap to the eaves or siding. If you decided to use a net, ensure that it is taut and at least three inches from the siding so the bird won’t peck through.


Vinyl and plastic attract vultures. When they swoop down on your home, vultures will dislodge shingles, tear up insulation, remove window caulking, and ruin vent covers. Plus, their fecal matter is a health concern. Vultures can also scratch car paint and harass your pets. The best way to deter them is install bird spikes and electronic bird deterrents to stop them from nesting or perching on ledges.


Bear sightings in residential areas may be few but that doesn’t mean they won’t stray to your property. Their huge bodies make them prime candidates for property damage and their sharp claws makes them dangerous to approach. When a bear strays into your garden, they may rummage the contents of your trash can or push through the screen door. You can repel them using strong scent deterrents like Ammonia.


The deer is more of a threat to your landscape and shrubbery than to the foundation. If the deer gets cozy around your home, it will likely crush through your glass door on seeing its reflection. There’s also the risk that the deer could knock over stuff in your lawn or its fawn could get stuck in the basement. You can repel them using whistles, scarecrows, and motion-activated lights at night.

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Unlike ground squirrels, mice don’t hibernate in winter. They will head for your warm, cozy home when temperatures start dropping. Mice can chew through electrical wires, drywall, and wooden structures. They also carry pathogens and spread diseases such as salmonella.


Wildlife is an important part of nature. However, they can become a nuisance and health hazard when they come too close to your home. They will come looking for food, water, and shelter. Give then an inch and they will take an entire yard, tear down structures, and leave the place in a mess. Find out what’s the best way to deter them and enlist professional help if the situation gets out of hand.

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