Baby Food Safety, Whether to Choose Organic or Inorganic?

What is organic baby food? This is healthy nutrition that is produced without chemicals that have a bad influence on a kid’s body. For example, while growing vegetables and fruits for making puree pouches no artificial substances are used during their cultivation. The same with animal milk. Except for bio-farming, the techniques of preparing such baby food also have strict standards that each manufacturer should follow. When processing raw materials, manufacturers are not allowed to use dyes, preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, flavorings, and other substances. Techniques that reduce the nutritional value of products, such as mineralization, refining, etc. are also not permissible. Such carefully produced natural products decrease the harmful effects on the kid’s immature system.

Does Organic Baby Food Worth A Shot?

Naturally growing ingredients are more useful because they contain many nutrients, polyphenols, vitamins, and macro-and microelements. For instance, organic infant milk contains 70% more vitamin E, β-carotene, lutein, and polyunsaturated fatty acids than conventional ones. 

Such healthy nutrition is distinguished by an increased content of dry substances with reduced water content thus ensuring better taste properties. It explains why kids consume organic baby food with a great appetite. The other pros of natural kid feeding are the reducing risk of allergy. The point is that most regular products for kids are full of pesticides and chemicals and they are the reason for allergies in kids. As it was mentioned before, organic food is grown without these harmful ingredients. 

The other good point about natural baby nutrition for the little ones is that it’s good for animals. Organically raised livestock are kept in conditions close to natural ones (cows, sheep, and goats are given enough space to feel free, rather than living in small pens). They are not fed antibiotics and the diseases are prevented by a set of preventive measures.

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There are no cons to feeding a kid with natural products. However, they say that they are expensive, although this is not the case. Although they were a few decades ago, now there is a lot of organic feeding on the market and there is a lot of competition, so the price has been significantly reduced. However, you will have to spend some time checking the content of natural cans to make sure the food contains natural ingredients. 

Conventional Baby Food

Unlike organic products, regular products for children are usually grown with such toxic substances as chemicals. There is evidence proving that the long-term influence of harmful chemicals in childhood leads to health issues in adulthood. Besides, most probably in the content of regular baby food, you can find GMOs. However, conventional nutrition is inexpensive compared to organic one.

Final Thoughts 

The benefits of natural nutrition for children are evidenced by the results of many international studies. In Sweden,  a specific study was conducted, which involved 14,000 children from five European countries. It showed a decreased level of allergic diseases and obesity, etc. A similar test took place in the Netherlands, where 2,700 kids under the age of two were fed organic dairy products. The study has shown a significantly reduced risk of skin diseases.

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