Best Scary Halloween Makeup For Real Creepy Look

This another Makeup submitted by Allie Morelli. A DIY Projects very thankful to Allie Morelli for submitting this best Scary Halloween Makeup for our Halloween Makeup Contest. If you are thinking to celebrate the Halloween in it’s real way, then this makeup can be a perfect choice to scare the peoples. Follow the below instruction given by Allie Morelli for this look.

I chose with whatever I came up with while sculpting. I started out with sculpting on top a life cast with monster clay. (both the monster clay and life cast I had a long time before this, so I will not be including it in the final price, but monster clay cost around $25, and the life cast cost around $35 to make.) I just started piling on softened clay and just went with whatever shape it turned out to be, I knew I wanted it to have a big protruding mouth and sharp teeth. After 3 days of sculpting, I made a two part mold with Plaster of Paris ($15). Once dried I pried them apart, but the back of it broke, so I had to re-sculpt the back of the head and both ears (that’s why the look different from the first sculpt), then made another mold and then stuck front and back together again with plaster gauze.

I then, in parts, I poured hot gelatin in the mold and swished it around until it covered everything. I used about 11 small boxes of unflavored gelatin (each costing $2.49). I let it set for around 12 hours. After I slowly peeled it out of the mold and painted it with white and black acrylic paint. (each $1.99). I started with the base of white then painted the mouth and eyes black, I also painted on symbols of death you can slightly see through the head scarf thing. The head scarf thing is an old Halloween table cloth and the cape I had wrapped around my model was one I had before this, the fur I glued on from an old jacket I ripped apart from DI (around $6).

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The teeth I made out of polymorph plastic I got as a gift for a birthday. (around $10). You just set the beads on hot water, then when translucent take them out and sculpt whatever you want out of them, they cool down back to hard plastic. I glue the teeth in with hot glue, then painted the models eyes and mouth black, then headed down to a trail near me and took pictures.

Total cost: $62.37 (most full head masks cost around $100 to oh my gosh never.) If I made this again, I would defiantly go to the dollar store to get gelatin instead. This also took me exactly one week to make.

Best Scary Halloween Makeup

Making of Scary Halloween Makeup

Best Scary Halloween Makeup

Scary Halloween Makeup 2017

Scary Halloween Makeup

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