Blown Off Mouth Halloween Makeup

Blown Off Mouth Halloween Makeup Tutorial

We are very thankful to Rosa Payton for submitting her Blown Off Mouth Halloween Makeup for our Halloween Makeup contest. This makeup is really simple and anyone can make it in a very quick time. Follow the instruction and required material for this makeup below given by Rosa Payton.

After scrolling through some videos on YouTube, I came across one particular video that I absolutely had to try out! It was a DIY, Halloween make-up look! It is absolutely terrifying but easy to do look! It is guaranteed to frighten others! It’s so amazing what make-up can do. It’s not always about being pretty or sexy, and these are the looks I usually aim for, but I really wanted to try something different and I think the results came out awesomely scary! Check it out and I hope you enjoy it! And if the video doesn’t get as many views as I was aiming for, there are always options to check out sites like to buy views, so it’ll all work out in the end. But the main thing is that people enjoy the content I create.

Blown Off Mouth Halloween Makeup

Materials I Used to Create Look:

  1. Foundation w/beauty blender, lighter than skin color to get that dead look(Infallible Total Cover, Shade 301 Classic Ivory)
  2. Eye Shadow, Create smoky look, Black and Gray, Blend together(Urban Decay Naked Smoky Pallete)
  3. Latex Zombie Skin, Pat around mouth with sponge(Wal-Mart)
  4. Cotton Balls, Rip into pieces by pulling it and place on top of latex. Add more latex on top of cotton and around the edges of the mouth, pinch together and pull with fingers on edge of the mouth to get the hanging skin look.
  5. After cotton is completely covered over the mouth with latex, fill in the gaps and edges of mouth with a black/gray eyeshadow to give it a shadow look
  6. Use the same foundation to cover the start of the mouth where it is ripped to match the rest of your skin and to give it a more realistic look
  7. Here’s the fun part, go crazy covering the mouth with Stage Blood! Cover cotton completely with blood, you do not want any white from cotton showing..(Vampire Blood, Wal-Mart)
  8. I added blood to my face and as well as contouring my cheek bones and nose for a more dead look, but it isn’t necessary.
    Time Duration: 1 Hour
    Money Spent for Latex/Cotton Balls/Fake blood: Est. of $10
ALSO READ  David Bowie Inspired Halloween Makeup Tutorial

Follow Rosa Payton on Instagram @rpayton19 or on Facebook @xorosapayton

Blown Off Mouth Halloween Makeup

Women’s who want to look creepy and scary for this Halloween will definitely love to try this Makeup look. If anyone going to try this makeup look, please don’t forget to share your thought and view in the comment section below. Enjoy

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