With Alberta’s continental climate and humid, warm summers and cold dry winters, you want to ensure that your house is energy efficient. This can save on costs as well as benefit the environment. Reducing the amount of toxic fumes from power plants and using less energy is one way to conserve on the resources of […]
3 Things to Consider When Painting Large DIY Picture Frames
Art is an immortal form of expression that transcends the planes of time and the amazing part is that you don’t necessarily have to go to an art gallery to experience what art has to offer. Now whether you are painting a large picture frame you’ve just made for a vintage poster, oil painting you’ve […]
10 DIY Lawn Care and Maintenance Tips for Moms
Keeping your lawns well-maintained and neat might seem like a tedious task. But really, it doesn’t have to be that challenging. If you stick to a couple of reminders and establish your routine, maintaining the lawn will come smoothly. Now, it’s even made easier with professional lawn care services that will do all the hard […]
What are the Different Kinds of Hospital Curtains?
Curtains play a significant role in our daily lives; we utilize them in our houses and our offices for blocking out heat and for privacy. In addition to this, curtains are abundantly used in hospitals. In fact, their usage in hospital holds great significance, and are used in almost every department of a medical and […]
DIY Home Decor: Arts and Crafts Ideas
Let’s face it. After many hours spent browsing through endless images and ideas on Pinterest and you pin many projects for a rainy day, you are now ready to finally get your DIY mode on. You might think you’re not really the arts and crafts type of person and you only save these images and […]
Can I Get a Loan to Redecorate My House
Taking out a loan is typically associated with certain major life events. When you want to buy a car, purchase a house or attend college, you may automatically think about taking out a loan. But what if you need money to do something that isn’t commonly associated with loans? You may need some cash from […]
DIY Remodel Ideas for Fireplace
If you have a fireplace and you are looking for a way to brighten it up, breathe a breath of fresh air into your fireplace, whether indoors or outdoor, or you just want a change, you really can do this quite easily. Refreshing up a fireplace can be as easy as adding paint, or more […]
Projects You Need to Squeeze into Your Schedule
When boredom strikes, we try many new things to get our minds working again. Even when we are not bored, and actually have a lot on our plates, there are some creative projects that we really want to do but never know where to start. So with a hectic schedule, we ignore it and move […]
Where to Find a Suitable Sewing Machine for You?
Some of the best, creative DIY projects involve sewing. From clothes to cushions to much more, you don’t want to hand sew, if you can avoid it, which would take too much time when you want to finish a project and jump into another exciting one quickly. If you don’t have a sewing machine, it’s […]
Not Enough Space? 5 Tips for Fitting More Stuff in to Your Apartment!
Want to make a smaller room not just look, but actually feel bigger? Look no further, we’ve compiled some of the most effective tweaks you can make to your apartment that will make it look both spacious and functional at the same time. Let there be light. Have you noticed that darker rooms feel smaller? […]