Common Mistakes to Avoid When Taking Professional Headshots

In the business world, your portrait equals your brand and is a toolkit that most professionals use to grow and establish their brand online as well as offline. When your profile image looks professional, reputable, and approachable, it is certain to draw more clients. When your profile image is blurry, unprofessional, or full of clutter, it is sure to give out a wrong message to your potential customers and possibly push them away. There are many common mistakes that people make when going for professional headshot shoot. Here we are listing a compilation of such mistakes so that you can avoid it and get the outcome you are looking for –

Wrong Setting

Your headshot would be watched by everyone visiting your website, and you do not want a photo with a cluttered background. Many people just crop their portrait from a photo they took at their lawn, concert, on vacation, or any similar setting. Cropping the image would dilute its pixel density and make it look blurry. Moreover, the cluttered and unprofessional background would make the overall image unattractive and leave a wrong impression on the customers. For professional headshot photographs, the background should be simple and uncluttered, such as a white wall, bookshelf, or even your well-organized desk.

Blurred Photos

First things first, you do not want a blurry photo, and you can avoid that by using high-resolution camera equipment. Your face should be in focus, and the portrait must be crisp and sharp. It is a good thing to note here that you would need your photos in several sizes some images may look crisp on the digital platforms like social media sites, while when it comes to printed materials, the images need to be of higher resolution.

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The Outfit

Wear clothes that represent your profession. You should wear neatly pressed clothes that do not look distorted and goes well with your personality. Look confident during the shoot; it attracts your customers. Wearing silk clothes or jewelry that would distort due to the camera’s flash is not recommended.


It is one of the most common mistakes these days and is not recommended. Your headshot photograph should not appear as if you have taken it yourself with your arm stretched. Selfie shots do not look professional and give a wrong impression. Not only does it look unprofessional, but the chances are that it might even leave a negative impression.


The wrong lighting can give you an undesirable effect on the headshot. It is best to avoid taking photos in the evening or at night. If you sit close to the lamp, shadow will form on your face, and if you sit directly under the light, it will make your face look tired. Thus, it is best to take photos in natural light like by standing near a window to give your face a natural glow.

Taking professional headshot is not as easy as it sounds. Many elements that need to be perfected for the photos to come out the way you want. It is better to hire professional photographers like a business headshot photographer Plano TX, to take care of your headshot photography requirements.

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