Different Materials for Home Roofing

Roofing is an important part of a home. It plays indeed the role of shelter and its sealing is a parameter which must be considered. It is the same with regard to its insulation. This is the reason why manufacturing materials are of great importance. As there are several, we can make sure that its roof has a better aesthetic. There are many cypress roofers that provide Home roofing services. Below are some materials which can be used in their home roofing services.

The Tile in all Its Forms

Tile is a material that is used frequently for roofing because of its many advantages. It is solid, thick, easy to install and has a good design, especially since there are several types. The canal type is especially practical in the southern areas. Its base diameter of the top is similar to that of the interior of the bottom.

The mechanical or interlocking tile is heavy and is very easy to apply. The flat tiles have various forms: curved, convex, trapezoidal, ogive, shell, spearhead. They are suitable only on slopes of less than 35 °. They can have several types of interlocking such as single interlocking with an alignment of grooves and skirting horizontal and vertical. The wooden tiles (pine, oak, or acacia) guarantee a better discharge of rainwater.

Concrete tiles require a support between them and the frame. They are easy to adjust according to the slope of the roof. They are cheaper, but are less solid over time. Terracotta tiles are strong, sturdy and easy to apply, whether natural or synthetic. They are very popular, especially as they are available on the market under different types and colors.

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Slates are materials often used for roofing. They are natural, solid, non-flammable and they are always known for their quality and aesthetics. They are presented in different shapes and colors. There are two main types of slates:

  • Natural slates: which are characterized by their quality and long life, due to quartz crystals on their surface and a considerable amount of calcium carbonate in their composition. However, they are expensive.
  • Artificial slates : they are made of a mixture of cement, minerals and rib fiber. The upper layer has the advantage of being antifoam but it is advisable to spread acrylic resin on the support. They exist in several colors.

Metal Roofs

Metals are also part of the materials used for roofing. They can fit well to various roofs, their maintenance is easy and their price is affordable. The metal coatings have the advantage of being light, which protects the chassis.

Steel is increasingly used for roofing. Most often, it is the extended steel plates that are used since their shape is similar to that of authentic tiles. They are generally canary yellow or sky blue but it is possible to find colors resembling that of slates and tiles.

Thatched roofs also meet frequently because of their many strengths. They have insulating and fire-fighting properties. However, because of their many advantages, they are very expensive.

The Wooden Roof

Wood is a material that has always known how to preserve its reputation. The proof is that the wooden roof tended to no longer be chosen but it is used again because this material is ecological. Moreover, it is light while it is solid and that it guarantees a good sound and thermal insulation.

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There is a wide choice for those who wish to move towards the wooden roof. There is for example the solid wood tile or the wooden table. The price is variable because it depends mainly on the essence used.

Other Materials

There are also other materials that are more successful. Among them, there is the shingle which is made of a sheet of asphalt felt and fiberglass. Its hue is due to the granules of minerals. It is easy to install and is adjusted to roofs with a slope greater than 25 °. It is nonflammable, but it is also a good insulator. In addition, its price is affordable. Its disadvantage is that it does not last more than 25 years.

There are also synthetic products such as PVC, TPO and EPDM. Roof impermeability rolls are spread on a single layer and are attached by vulcanization, gluing or welding.
The green roof is also part of the options more and more popular. The fact that it is both ecological and aesthetic attracts consumers. In addition, it guarantees good sound and acoustic insulation. It requires virtually no maintenance and its price is affordable. Contact Cherry and Clark Roofing for more information.

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