DIY Tombstone Halloween Decoration With Tutorial

A DIY Projects very thankful to Maryann Armstrong for submitting her DIY Tombstone for our Halloween Decoration Contest. We are Happy to sharing her DIY Tombstone Halloween Decoration. Maryann Armstrong made this project for the school where her daughter teaches 7th-grade science. You can follow the below steps to understand the required material and direction for this DIY Halloween decoration project.

  • My tombstone is made from a sheet of pressboard and Styrofoam glued to it.
  • The back stand is an old dog gate glued to it
  • The front part I used paint pens by sharpie and Krylon spray paint.
  • At the bottom and side, I used pool noodles glued together!
  • Painted silk flowers lack added skulls.
  • Spiders Pumpkins a lot of creepy hands a big chain, a skeleton on a hangmans noose at the bottom these a shovel.

Well, Maryann Armstrong called this project Diggin Up Bones and The cost of my project Total $16.56. I use and repurpose and recycle as much as possible.Follow Maryann Armstrong on Instagram & Twitter.

DIY Tombstone Halloween Decoration

DIY Tombstone Decoration

DIY Tombstone Halloween Decoration

DIY Tombstone Halloween

DIY Tombstone

Tombstone Halloween Decoration

If you are going to make this decoration for the coming Halloween don’t forget to share your view and thought in the below comment section.

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