Having an Energy Efficient House Helps the Environment


With Alberta’s continental climate and humid, warm summers and cold dry winters, you want to ensure that your house is energy efficient. This can save on costs as well as benefit the environment.

Reducing the amount of toxic fumes from power plants and using less energy is one way to conserve on the resources of the earth. Protecting the ecosystem is everyone’s job, and it starts with a home that is energy efficient. You may want to know how to do this; read on for some helpful tips on lowering your carbon footprint.

How Do You Make Your Home Energy Efficient?

According the Environmental Protection Agency in the United States, there are many ways to cut energy usage and still get the same job done.

Some things to do to reduce consumption of energy and make your power consumption more efficient include:

  1. Regular service to your air conditioner
  2. Swap energy-gouging vampires for newer and more efficient models
  3. Use LED lighting instead of incandescent bulbs
  4. Make renovations and add a smart programmable thermostat
  5. Turn off and unplug electronics when not in use
  6. Seal cracks and caulk around windows and doors
  7. Make water systems more efficient

You can also get an energy audit to determine the best retrofits for your home. It might be time to upgrade your furnace for a recent model that is more energy=efficient. This can make a difference during the cold Alberta winters, as the air and your wallet will benefit from the changes made.

Choosing the Right Energy Provider in Alberta

You want to find an energy company that gives you the most for your dollars. If they have home services, you can count on your more energy-efficient appliances being installed, repaired and maintained expertly.

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The best energy provider in Alberta will allow you to manage your account online as well as offer tips for saving energy. They are concerned about the environment and promote smarter and more energy-efficient homes.

Look for reputable and courteous customer service, consider the history of the supplier, analyze your current costs and be sure the company is licensed in your area.

Alberta began de-regulating its natural gas market in 1985 and its electricity in 1996. This allows you to choose the energy provider that’s right for your needs.

Finding the right energy provider as well as making your home more energy efficient can save you money in the long run as well as help the environment. Beautiful Alberta as well as Planet Earth will thank you.

Category: DIY
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