How Much Does Scratch Repair Cost

It’s always awful when your car or truck gets a scratch. The annoying thing about it is that depending on how bad the scratch is, you might be forced to have a new paint-job for the entire car, which might be pricey or not, it depends on the car too. Take a look below at what you can do when you find your car scratched and how much it would cost you.

Don’t Panic

If you’re a little short on cash, there are ways to handle your scratches through different and cheaper methods. But finding the right remover to help fix things is tricky since it all depends on how bad the damage is. Although it’s very unfortunate and sad that someone scratched your car, you might even feel angry and frustrated, which is understandable. But the good thing about it is that your car is still running normally and can still operate well. Check your insurance if you have it and see if it covers damages due to vandalism, if so, then you can file for an insurance claim and relax.

The Type of Scratches

You need to know that there are four main layers to the body of your car’s finish. You’ve got the bare metal of the body, then you’ve got the primer layer also known as the undercoat. After that, there’s a layer of paint, then the last thing you’ve got are several layers of clear coat for protection. The type of scratch affects the cost of your repair, every scratch is different because it depends on which and how many layers of the car’s body was damaged.

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The Cost of Repairs

These prices vary depending on where you live. But an average cost for repairing a Paint layer scratch is from 100 to 150 dollars if you take it to the an auto-repair shop. If you’re going to fix it yourself, then finding a quality Deep Car Scratch Remover might cost you between 30 to 50 dollars. If you got a Coating scratch, then it’s easier to handle even alone and would cost you about 10 to 20 dollars if you did it yourself. But it would cost around 50 to 100 dollars at the repair shop. If you got a deep base layer scratch, then you’re unlucky since it’s very difficult to fix alone and probably impossible, your best option is to take it to professionals and it would cost you about 150 to 250 dollars. Any scratch comes in different shapes and sizes, so the overall price would be different.

Make Your Choice

Whether you want to fix it yourself or take it to the professionals at the repair shop, it will all help in fixing your paint-job and making your car look better than before. If money isn’t an issue and you don’t really know how to fix it yourself, then you can always count on the mechanics at the shop. But if you want to save some money, got free time, and the tools needed, then you can totally fix it yourself or even cover it up in any way possible to prevent any rust or corrosion from the scratch. Anything is possible and it’s your choice after all.

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