Lady Joker Halloween Makeup

Lady Joker Halloween Makeup Tutorial

Joker is a very popular makeup look for the Halloween. There are so many types of theme and design you can choose for this look. So if you are a lady and looking for the lady joker look then you are at right place. This awesome Lady Joker Halloween Makeup will definitely give you a real Halloween look. A DIY Projects very thankful to Phalesia Pilkington for submitting this awesome makeup for our Halloween Makeup contest. Follow the below simple steps to learn how you can make this look.

Lady Joker Halloween Makeup


  • Using a brow eyeliner, lightly like out your mouth.
  • Fill in the face with white facepaint. (I used graftobian)
  • Use a mixture of white and yellow and create the shape of the teeth you want.
  • Fill in your evil brows with black paint in the desired shape.
  • Deepen your wrinkles and crows feet and smirk lines using various shades of black shadows.
  • Smear black around your eyes.
  • Paint your hair green with body paint, temporary hair spray or wear a green wig!
  • (the joker outfit is optional)

Follow the Phalesia Pilkington on Instagram (@moulageartistfx) for more awesome makeup ideas.

Lady Joker Halloween Makeup

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