Penguins Halloween Costume For Dogs

Penguins Halloween Costume For Dogs With Tutorial

This is another costume submitted by Bonnie and Beth Abelew for our Halloween Costume contest. The previous one was a Dogs Rainbow Fairies Halloween Costume and This time they submitted a Penguins Halloween Costume For Dogs. Below are the steps and material used for this costume. Follow the instruction given by Bonnie and Beth Abelew and give a stunning look to your dogs on this Halloween.

Phoenix and Gryphon are dressed as friendly penguins, with big beaks on their snouts and oversized penguin feet. They are floating through the arctic sea on giant home-made icebergs. We thought penguins would be fun for the dogs to dress as since they are cool dudes and we thought they would make really cute looking penguins.

Materials and Tools:
– Penguin costumes for humans
– Black hoods
– Black feathers
– White fabric
– Stuffing
– Needle and thread
– Scissors
– Glue
– Foamboard
– Spray foam insulation
– Blue, white, and silver paint
– Glue gun and glue sticks

Step 1: Penguin Costumes

We used part of penguin costumes that were intended for humans, but were adjusted to fit onto dogs. We rolled them up to a shorter length, and sewed them in place. We stuffed the penguin wings with stuffing to give them shape, and glued the stuffing in place so it wouldn’t shift around. For the penguin hats, we decorated black hoods. We cut white shapes out of fabric and glued them on either side, to look like the markings of a penguin. We also glued black feathers onto the top. The beak was made of foam, and we cut holes in it, so the dogs could breathe when wearing them for short periods of time.

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Step 2: Creating the Iceberg Base

To make the icebergs, we cut the top shape out of foamboard, which was a sort of irregular zig zaggy oval. We then cut and glued shorter pieces of foamboard along each of the edges, so that the whole thing would stand up. We put each piece on separately to form the different angles of the iceberg.

Step 3: Decorating the Icebergs

To make the foamboard look like icey snow, we used spray foam insulation. We sprayed it over the whole shape, and spread it out with a metal spoon, to give the whole thing a thin but bumpy layer. This needed to dry overnight, and left it with a cool texture. We then painted the whole iceberg a mix of blue, white, and silver. The icebergs did not have a bottom, but were placed over heavy cartons, so that the dogs could sit on them.

Penguins Halloween Costume For Dogs With Tutorial

Iceberg For Penguins Halloween Costume

Penguins Halloween Costume For Dogs

Share you thought and view about the costume in the comment section and if you want to submit your own costume for this contest you are most welcome. Enjoy!

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