Pennywise Clown Halloween Costume

Pennywise Clown Halloween Makeup and Costume Tutorial

This very scary Pennywise the Clown Halloween Costume made by Sheila Pevey for her 4 year old daughter. A DIY Projects very thankful to her for submitting this stunning costume for our Halloween costume contest. Follow the below steps given by her to learn a complete direction and required material for this costume.

This costume was homemade by me. We were on a tight budget this year BUT since this is my favorite holiday and everyone always looks forward to my girls’ costumes, i tried not to disappoint.

The outfit i made myself.. the only thing that was bought specifically for this was 4 yards of light gray fabric, 1 yard of white fabric, a gray zipper, glue sticks (for my glue gun), and red and white yarn.

I used my own sewing machine and thread, did almost the whole top without instructions or a guide (don’t ask me how i accomplished that because i have no clue.) I did have to watch a YouTube video for the puffy sleeves at the top lol those were the toughest! There are 2 red balls on the front that i made from red yarn and hot glued on. For the red and white trim i twisted both colors of yarn together and hot glued on as well.

The pants i did Halloween day before she got out of school and actually had to go buy one of those template things from Walmart for a couple dollars because even though i did the whole top by eye i had no clue when it came to pants. I ended up taking them in a lot more because they were way too loose. I also added the ruffle bottom and eyeballed it too. I was proud of these bc they have an elastic waistband. ?

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That sums up the actual outfit.. along with white gloves i got for cheap that i had to sew smaller to fit her little hands bc all i could find were big ones. The outfit was stressful and i made LOTS of mistakes and sewed things on backwards, had to rip plenty of seams out, and the outfit is far from perfect. But it worked! I spent days on that thing.

As for the hardest part… her head. (This is the reason she was only “IT” on Halloween night and not for the rest of the festivities during the weekend.) I only wanted to glue all this to her head one time!

Her face and head was not a mask! I put her hair in a ponytail and used a mesh wig cap to keep her hair in place. Then the bald cap… i cut it to fit her face and started using spirit gum adhesive to try and glue it around her forehead and ears which for some reason didn’t work i’m not sure if its the material of the cap or what. So i ended up using liquid latex to glue everything. That worked out anyways because it helped blend her forehead to the bald cap.

Then came the wig. The HARDEST PART ?
This was just a basic smooth, shoulder length orange wig with long bangs. First i cut the whole top of the wig off to leave a bald head up top and glued the rest of the wig from ear to ear around the back of her head. Had to hold it in place and use a blow dryer to dry the liquid latex quicker. Then i cut the top piece of wig in the V shape i wanted it and glued it on! I realized the hair was longer than i liked so Pennywise got a haircut too. Lol (At this point theres orange hair covering my bathroom)

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I cant even explain how i styled that wig hair because it was my most challenging task but i did it. Using some really good hairspray, backcombing, and blow drying. My bathroom mirror was coated in hairspray lol oops.

Then i got her dressed and did her makeup. I use all water activated paints so by the time we got to trick or treat, she hit a bad mood and cried a little over the candy lol… and her eye makeup got messed up so next year i might look into a different option for face paints.

All together it took like an hour and a half of getting ready though and she was a trooper. As always. She loves watching me do her hair and makeup so i kept her in front of the mirror to help her stay interested and still.

All in all i spent about $25-30 on supplies for this whole costume. I knew a custom made Pennywise was out of the picture because they go for hundreds on etsy so i am glad (even though it was far from easy and far from perfect) that i could do this for my daughter. Id do it all over again in a heartbeat just to see her reaction and smile.

Pennywise the Clown Halloween Costume Tutorial

Pennywise the Clown Halloween Costume

Pennywise Clown Halloween Costume

Makenna has been posted on 2 local news Facebook pages and we’re getting a good little bit of shares! I just hope my baby wins for all the work and patience we’ve put into this costume! I really try to do the best for my children, my heart went into making this and i would love to win something especially with Christmas coming, we would be MORE than grateful.

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