Prepare For Autumn: Get Your Roof Checked To Spot Potential Issues

By the time you notice a problem with your roof, it’s usually too late. The damage has already been done but this type of scenario is easily avoided. Freak weather conditions aside, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to let your home’s roof cost you money and inconvenience. The weather can usually be unpredictable to say the least so it’s best to be prepared. When you are doing your spring clean and generally tidying up your property in preparation for the autumn months, don’t forget about the roof. The main problem that most of us have is that we can’t really see the roof and therefore cannot identify any damage. It usually takes a roofing specialist to actually get on the roof and look in detail.

Home Health Checklist

As previously mentioned, it makes sound economic sense to make a few cursory checks around all the exterior your property but there are some areas such as the roof where you definitely will need to call up on the services of a Sydney slate roofing specialist or a repair expert near you. Roofing specialist have the skills, the tools and the experience of working at height to identify any potential problems. Getting up on your roof yourself is strongly discouraged, not only for the obvious safety risks but also the very high chance of damaging the roof.

Aside from the roof, there are other areas that need checking or testing before the autumn or winter comes, including but not limited to:

  • Guttering – Functioning gutters are essential if you want to keep your house in tip-top shape. Vegetation, debris and even birds, both dead and alive can all cause blocked gutters. Your roofing specialist may offer to take a look on your behalf and recommend someone to clear any blockages if they can’t do it themselves. It may also be wise to check the condition of fascia and soffits as these can decay over time.
  • Decking – You may not get on your decking as much in the winter months, but you still need to provide a bit TLC before spring turns into autumn. A rub down and a coat of protective varnish maybe all it needs to keep it in optimum condition until the summer season arrives again.
  • Pool Area – The pool and surrounding area is the focal point of many backyards and must be maintained throughout the year. Make sure you have your pool safety certified by the registered inspectors or you may be liable to a fine.
  • Plants and Shrubs – We do experience bouts of cold weather and like many of our weather conditions, these can arrive right out of the blue so make sure any delicate plants are protected. You would also be advised to get any lawn cutting or pruning done as well. Doing these kinds of jobs is certainly not fun in inclement weather conditions.
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If you only get one thing checked before the onset of autumn, make sure it’s the roof. Reputable roofing contractors will only be too happy to provide you with an obligation free quote for an inspection and any repairs that need doing.

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