Staging Your Home with Feng Shui in Mind

Having made the decision to put your home on the market for sale, you necessarily want to prepare your residence to be in a state that will result in a speedy sale at a price that is near, at, or even above your initial asking price.

Staging your home for sale is a crucial process. Toward accomplishing that objective, you may want to turn your attention to the mandates of Feng shui. Feng shui provides guidance that is broadly helpful in preparing your home for sale.

In addition, there are elements of Feng shui that will be particularly attractive to individuals who are concerned with issues like spatial arrangements and how they impact a person’s life.

What is Feng shui?

If you are like most homeowners, you’ve likely heard mention made of the term “Feng shui,” however you may not know exactly what is meant by it. In basic terms, Feng shui is a system of Chinese thought that establishes a set of laws governing special arrangements.
Spatial arrangement recommendations are based on a consideration of the flow of energy. The manner in which a residence is decorated can impact people favorably or unfavorably.

Overview of Feng Shui

When it comes to selling your home, two elements of Feng shui warrant consideration. First, Feng shui demands that you take certain preliminary steps in preparation of implementing actual Feng shui practices. Second, the system does demand the implementation of the “five elements.”

Prior to implementing the five elements of Feng shui, and in anticipation of putting a home on the market, a homeowner needs to undertake actions that include:

  • Decluttering
  • Depersonalizing
  • Cleaning
  • Repairing
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Bear in mind that these four steps are all standard recommendations made by real estate professionals for an individual who wants to sell his or her home. These are four of the primary points of action associated with staging a home for sale.

Once these initial matters are addressed, the five elements of Feng shui can then be implemented. These five elements are:

  • Water
  • Wood
  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Metal

The five elements of Feng shui are examined individually. With this exploration, you are provided guidance on simple steps you can take to stage your residence in a manner that will make it more appealing to prospective buyers generally and to individuals who care about Feng shui principles specifically.


You can add the Fung Shui element of water into your home’s décor with relative ease and in a manner that will appear to individuals who care about this system of alignment. You can enhance your residence using the element of water by using the colors black and blue within your home. In addition, you can add mirrors and glass to spaces in your home


The element of wood can be incorporated into your home through the use of green within your color scheme. In addition, the element of wood can be included within the design and décor of your residence through the use of both wood furniture and hardwood flooring.


The Feng shui element of fire can be added throughout your residence through the use of the color red. Items that can satisfy the fire element of the system include the strategic placement of candles in your home as well as ensuring that your fireplace is in good repair and presentation.

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Earth is another of the Feng shui elements. The Earth element can be utilized in your home in advance of putting it on the market for sale by using the colors yellow, orange, and brown. In addition, the use of brick and stone within your residential décor also satisfies the Earth element associated with Feng shui.


Finally, the element of metal can be placed into your living spaces through the use of the colors white, gray, silver, and gold. In addition, this element of Feng shui can be exemplified through the use of lamps and certain appliances.

Furnishings & Feel

Successful feng shui doesn’t just come down to the elements and materials you incorporate in the staging process, but the shapes and feel. For starters, it’s important for the space to be bright. Incorporating plenty of natural light is critical, as well as avoiding dark curtains that obscure it in any way.

Furthermore, artwork should be optimally placed. It should not be hung too low and should not be emotionally charged. A piece of artwork also should not overwhelm the wall on which it was placed – sizing is critical.

Finally, it’s important to create an essence of ‘flow.’ Avoid staging with furnishings that have sharp edges. Round tables with table bases that feature legs, as opposed to a pedestal base, signify ease and harmony.

If you want assistance with Feng shui principles in advance of selling your home, there are experts that can assist you in this endeavor. Even if you are not intending to sell your home, you personally can benefit from the principles associated with Feng shui.

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