Top 5 Power Tools For Home DIY Enthusiasts

If you are a first-timer to the use of power tools then you should pay special attention to all that this article has to offer. In it, our experts go through 5 of the most valuable power tools a DIY can’t cope with. If you have been contemplating about harnessing some woodworking skills, then you definitely need one of these to step up your woodworking game to enviable heights. Without these tools, you can as well bid farewell to a stress-free working environment.

Once you have these basic tools you are at liberty to add to the mix by purchasing more specialty tools as the case warrants. But before you ever think of buying anything else, invest in these tools to step up your game;

1. A cordless drill

A cordless drill has to one of the most important power tools every home do-it-yourself person needs. You need this tool because it is important for just about every single project out there. There is hardly any project that involves woodworking that the services of a cordless drill weren’t called upon.

Although you can get by with a cheap cordless power drill, we are of the opinion that you definitely need to invest in a quality piece cordless drill since it will be used most of the time.

2. A Kreg Jig

A Kreg jig is one of the simplest and most effective ways of joining two kinds of wood together. Hardly have I seen anyone who is into woodworking that doesn’t need a Kreg jig system in place. You will do well to invest in some of the best of them in stores. There are cheaper versions of a Kreg jig but opt for quality pieces if you can find one.

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3. A circular Saw

Circular saws are almost as important as cordless drills. They are versatile, transportable and can help you quickly cut a piece of wood or board. Use it the way you want to. Whether you need them to make a table, cut woods in two or you want to build a little house made from wood. The choice is yours to make, they will definitely work wonders for you. Store in the garage or keep in your closet as an apartment dweller. There are many types of saws out there but the best type of saw to start with is a circular saw.

One trick to use is to buy circular saws that are compatible (probably from the same manufacturer) with the cordless drill. That way the battery pack system can be interchangeable. You can also opt for the corded version of a circular saw if you can cope with the complexities of a wire cord.

4. Miter saw

You need a miter saw if precision cuts are anything to go by. While the circular saw is great for cuts on the go, the miter saw guarantees precision cuts. It also helps cut wood at an angle which can be a super handy feature. However, despite the positives, it does have some drawbacks – it is very bulky so you may need a very large garage or workplace to use it.

There are cheap Miter saws in online marketplaces and departmental stores. Although some cheap variants can get the job done, they may have reduced flexibility and may cut wood a little less accurate.

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5. A portable Power Toolkit

We have included this here, instead of focusing on a particular tool because we are of the opinion that every DIY home enthusiast needs a custom tool kits for daily household work. You never can tell when you may need a tool you haven’t thought about before. To get a power toolkit, pay close attention to the cost of the toolkit as well as what it will cost you to buy power tools online as though you were shopping for them separately. You will discover that they are a very good way to save up on money because of the discounted nature of buying tools in bulk. Ensure your power tool kit has all the essential tools that make for a great tool kit – things like an impact driver, a tiger saw, oscillating multi-tools, grinder, jigsaws and a host of other equipment should be in the custom tool kit.

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