Why Choose Wood Drying?

Wood manufacturing companies understand how important it is to be able to count on tables of the precious material ready to be worked on in the shortest possible time. The freshly cut trunk could not be sent for processing, because the high percentages of humidity present in the wood would end up causing breakage and sagging of the product. To have wood suitable for the construction of furniture, floors or furnishings in general, it is necessary to provide a drying cycle which can be natural or artificial. Natural drying involves very long curing times (it can even take 2/3 years) and results that cannot be predetermined as they depend on the weather conditions and the type of wood. Artificial drying, on the contrary, makes it possible to have wood ready to be worked in a few days, with pre-set percentages of humidity and therefore optimal for the type of work to be carried out.

 How the artificial drying of wood takes place

 The wood drying technology is the result of years of studies and constant evolutions which have led to the creation of special chambers in which the wood is loaded in stacks to be sent to different processes. In fact, the best machines for drying wood provide as many as 40 different programs to guarantee the correct degree of drying for every type of company.

 The working processes are set up through touch screen panels and allow the inverter motors to be adjusted to ensure processes with maximum energy savings. At a time like this, in which energy prices have become a very heavy burden for companies, being able to count on manufacturing processes with vacuum systems that prevent dispersions and low consumption is essential.

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 Economic advantages deriving from wood drying

 In addition to reducing energy costs, the choice of high-level wood dryers allows you to have many other economic advantages. The qualities of these drying systems arise from the commitment and attention that specialized companies, such as WDE Maspell, place in their study and design. The Italian company has been present in the sector since 1962 and thanks to the constant commitment it puts into researching the best solutions for wood drying, today it is possible to count on:

  • Lower drying cost per m3
  • Reduction of stocks and recovery of lower quality material
  • Greater process productivity
  • Flexibility – yield of heterogeneous batches of material in a short time
  • Use of thermal and energy sources already available at the user
  • Possibility of external installation, without masonry work and building permit
  • Mobile machinery, easily dislocated
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