Why Do You Need CBD Oil for Spinal Cord Injury?

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are usually caused by motor vehicle accidents, diseases and falls among other causes. The injuries which can also occur when doing exercises like when you lift too heavy when squatting or when you deadlift incorrectly occur on the ligaments, the vertebrae or on the main structure.

Diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and inflammation can cause non-traumatic damage to the spine. Traumatic injuries occur when the spinal cord is physically damaged in accidents or from acts of violence such as gun and knife attacks.

It matters less whether the injury is traumatic or non-traumatic. Both damage the nerve fibers that are responsible for connecting the spinal cord to the brain. This impairs the normal functioning of your body. Depending on the location of the injury, one may lose coordination of various muscles and can even render one a cripple. Most spinal code injuries affect people between the ages of 16 to 30, of whom most are men.

Spine injuries also result in among others serious and persistent back pains. Such pains affect a victim both physically and psychologically. The American Academy of Pain Medicine states that about 26 million people in America between the ages of 20 to 64 experience back pain.

Researchers have made developments showing that marijuana, or cannabis sativa is an ideal remedy for spinal cord injury issues including such persistent pain. However, federal restrictions in most states inhibit the use of this drug for medical purposes.

Compounds of Marijuana

People often associate marijuana with its psychoactive effects that makes its users get high. The compound responsible for this effect is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). There is another compound that is now popular for medical purposes and does not have the psychoactive effects present in THC. This compound is called Cannabidiol (CBD) from which CBD oil is manufactured. It has therapeutic effects and has no intoxication. There are even strains of marijuana with CBD only being grown in some countries where the use of the compound is legal. Bizarrely, CBD oil is still banned in some countries, so make sure you check the laws of the country you live in. As an example, when it comes to cbd france allows any CBD oil that has THC levels below 0.2%. In the UK, it is completely legal. In Russia, it is illegal.

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Before using CBD, it is important that you not only find out about your state’s legal restrictions, but also make sure you get it from a licensed and specialized dealer. CBDTrust has reviews of quality CBD products and oil. Check them out.

How it Manages Spinal Cord injury

So, how does CBD or CBD oil help to manage spinal cord injuries, and by extension back pains? The cannabidiol compound present in this oil is effective at stimulating the cannabinoid system and reducing the inflammation that causes back pains. According to a study carried out in the United Kingdom of people with spinal cord injuries, the patients reported less pain and reduced muscle spasms as well as improved bladder function after receiving a dose of medical cannabis. So if you are interested in receiving medical cannabis to help you reduce your pain, then you might want to take a look at somewhere like stateside wellness, as they can help improve your life.

Regulate Pain Perception

Cannabis has been used for relieving pain since time immemorial, so it comes as no surprise to find that some people who live with chronic pain of any sort would decide to buy cbd online. It enables the body to counteract the side effects of this organ’s injury and greatly reduces arising complications. CBD oil can be used to massage the body especially on the affected area giving it relieve from acute as well as chronic pain. In addition to relieving injury pains, studies suggest that cannabis triggers a neuroprotective response acting on CB1 and CB2 receptors. This response enables SCI patients to heal faster.

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Alleviate Sleep Disorders

It is expected that SCI victims will experience difficulties with sleeping due to persistent pain. Most of these victims experience a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. Lack of proper and enough sleeping time can greatly lower a victim’s immune system. CBD oil is effective at inducing sleep. With good and restful sleep, SCI patients’ immune system gets stronger and helps them to heal faster.

Reduced Side Effects

Studies show that CBD oil has limited side effects if any. Unlike conventional pain relievers that can be addictive and can leave your body with serious side effects, CDB works without affecting the central nervous system. If you are a retailer and are thinking of stocking various CBD products, you might want to try looking at somewhere like Pharm Organics Wholesale. You could contact the company you plan on buying stock from beforehand to better understand them and their products to ensure they fit in with your business. It is important though if you are using various products containing CBD, that you seek the direction of a specialist to induce the right dosage depending on one’s health condition, age, and other medical factors. You should also ensure that a SCI patient is always under the watchful eye of a physician.

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